Upcoming Changes in the Yemeni Government

Yemen Monitor/ Aden/ Special:
Two government sources revealed on Thursday that changes in the Yemeni government, including a number of ministerial portfolios, will take place in the coming days; coinciding with ongoing disputes within the Presidential Leadership Council.
The sources told Yemen Monitor that the amendments submitted by Prime Minister Ahmed bin Mubarak include eight ministries and the appointment of two deputies from the north and south for the Prime Minister, aiming to address the imbalances in the provision of public services as the first year of bin Mubarak’s term comes to an end.
The sources spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media.
The sources indicated that the amendments will include “legal affairs, oil, human rights, social affairs, education, health, communications, and planning.”
The new appointments are expected to reflect two important things: the first is the state of consensus in the Presidential Leadership Council, led by Rashad al-Alimi and with membership of seven others representing Yemeni forces fighting the Houthis. The second is the regional distribution of 50% for the north and 50% for the south.
According to one of the sources, disputes within the Presidential Leadership Council are increasing as the STC, supported by the UAE, seeks to monopolize the representation of the people of the southern governorates, considering itself their representative despite the existence of many components in the southern governorates that completely reject being spoken for on their behalf.
It is also expected that the new change will lead to the addition of ministers representing the political bureau of the National Resistance, led by “Tareq Saleh” in the western coast of the country.
The second source said that the Prime Minister wants to announce the change with the beginning of the second year of his term as Prime Minister, which has failed to provide services and faces widespread anger in the areas under its control.