
Yemen and UAE Foreign Ministers Discuss Coordinating Stances on Common Issues

Yemeni Monitor/Newsroom

Yemeni Foreign Minister Shay’e al-Zandani discussed bilateral relations with his UAE counterpart, Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, on Thursday evening. The talks focused on coordinating stances on issues of common interest, as well as the situation of the Yemeni community in the UAE.

According to the official Yemeni news agency, SABA, the two sides also discussed the latest developments in the political, economic, and service sectors in Yemen, as well as efforts to end the humanitarian crisis and achieve a just and sustainable peace.

Al-Zandani stressed the strength and depth of Yemeni-UAE relations, praising the important role played by the UAE as part of the Saudi-led Arab coalition in supporting the Presidential Leadership Council and working to stabilize Yemen.

Al-Zandani also praised the UAE’s development and humanitarian interventions aimed at alleviating the suffering of the Yemeni people, including its development programs in the field of renewable energy. He stressed the importance of joint work to strengthen areas of cooperation, build the capacity of state institutions, and train human resources.

For his part, the UAE Foreign Minister affirmed the depth of fraternal and historical relations between the two countries, expressing his wishes to Minister Shay’e for success in his duties.

The UAE Minister also affirmed his look forward to working with his counterpart in a way that contributes to strengthening the paths of bilateral cooperation between the two countries. He reiterated the UAE government’s firm and supportive stance towards the Presidential Leadership Council and the Yemeni government, and its standing with the Yemeni people in a way that enhances Yemen’s security, stability, and territorial integrity.

He stressed the UAE’s keenness to provide all forms of development and humanitarian support to Yemen in various fields.

On Wednesday evening, the UAE President and his deputies sent a congratulatory cable to Rashad Muhammad al-Alimi, head of the Presidential Leadership Council in Yemen, on the occasion of the 34th anniversary of the achievement of Yemeni unity.

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