
US Military: Houthis fired two ballistic missiles towards the Red Sea

Yemeni Monitor/News Room

The US Central Command announced today, Friday, that the Houthis in Yemen launched two anti-ship ballistic missiles into the Red Sea.

The statement added that no injuries or damage were reported.

“This continued behavior by the Iranian-backed Houthis threatens regional stability and endangers the lives of seafarers in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden,” the statement added.

Earlier on Friday, the Houthis announced the implementation of three operations targeting three ships in the Red, Arabian, and Mediterranean Seas.

On Thursday, Houthi leader Abdulmalik al-Houthi said that his group “has targeted 119 ships linked to Israel, the United States, and Britain since the start of its operations in November 2023.”

Since last November, the Houthis have continued their attacks in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. In contrast, the US and Britain have launched attacks on Houthi targets in Yemen and re-listed the group as a terrorist organization in response to their attacks on commercial ships.

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