
Houthi media: New bombing on Hodeidah airport

Yemen Monitor/News Room

The Houthi armed group announced on Wednesday that U.S. and Britain had launched 6 airstrikes on Hodeidah International Airport in western Yemen.

“US-British aircraft launched 6 airstrikes on Hodeidah International Airport,” Houthi media said.

The channel did not clarify the results of this targeting, and there was no immediate comment from Washington or London.

From time to time, the Houthi group repeatedly announces that Hodeidah Airport is being subjected to a US and British airstrikes, due to their attacks against commercial ships in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

Despite the US and British strikes on targets belonging to the Houthis in Yemen,

They pledged to continue targeting ships linked to “Israel” until the war on the Palestinians in Gaza Strip stop.

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